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Friday, September 10, 2021

Divine Encounter Surprise


“That's you!” I whispered, trying not to miss a single inflection. It had to be him. Nobody else could sing exactly like he could. We had turned on the radio for the first time in almost a year. Bill Murdoc was supposed to be talking about the crazy situation between the United Church of Canada and the Massie Church, on his talk show, but that didn't seem to be happening. A song came on, and I knew that I knew that voice.

Hugh wasn't so sure until he heard his name. “That was Massie's own Hugh Neelands!” Bill announced and then went on to explain that he had requested and had been given one of Hugh's Cds by Hugh's son a few years ago, but it didn't work for him in his truck, and then he had lost it, but he had just found it the day before, and decided to play it that day. He talked a bit about the days in the past when Hugh was a hit, singing in dance bands and how he now blessed many, volunteering his services singing at nursing homes.

Now I do not believe in mere coincidence in relation to the Christian. Things don't just happen for no reason. There could only be one alternative. God must have had some purpose in mind when he nudged us to turn on the radio this morning.

The night before, I had been contemplating the book Hugh and I were preparing to put together. After I finished my own story, The Path He Chose for Me, I had suggested that we start working on one about Hugh. It would be fun just letting him reminisce, and hearing his stories.

We had already had a few of those sessions but I still had no idea how I would begin. Then last night I remembered an incident that I knew I wanted to include, and now, with the help of the divine encounter on the Bill Murdoc show, something clicked in my mind, and I realized God had just given me the key I needed to put it all together.

I can't wait to see how God is going to weave this story together to bless the people who will someday read it.

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